Homage to Cindy Sherman 1
(Performed by my mother)
Chapter 1
Photographic Installation: wood shelf and photos
400 x 10 cm
"Homage to Cindy Sherman (performed by mother)" is composed by three chapters and it originates from my mother's personal photographic archive.
In the first chapter I selected images that portrayed her alone in situations that seems to be stereotyped. These photos, placed side by side, generate a snapshot biographical storytelling and highlights the iconographies that we unwittingly contribute to create or that we unconsciously follow, for they belong to our era. These "roles" or "characters" appear to us today, not to the protagonist of the shot. They appear to us by virtue of the time elapsed between shooting and fruition. The context, the pose and the clothing create the character, translating a simple shot into an iconographic figure. Comparing ironically my mother to Cindy Sherman -whose characters derives from a strong intentionality in shooting and stereotyping, as well as a precise and meticulous construction of the image- I want to create an ironic gap, a hiatus between any personal biography and a corpus of well-known works now belonging to the history of contemporary art.